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150+ Common German Phrases to Sound Like a Native Speaker

Are you ready to embark on a linguistic journey through the heart of Germany? Whether you’re planning a trip to this beautiful country, aiming to connect with German-speaking friends, or simply looking to expand your language repertoire, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll be your guide to mastering the German language with “150+ Common German Phrases.” These Common German Phrases are the building blocks of everyday conversations, helping you navigate a wide range of social interactions, from casual chit-chat to ordering your favorite German cuisine. So, let’s dive in and discover the power of these essential expressions (Common German Phrases) that will make your language skills truly shine.

150+ Common German Phrases

Let’s dive into the world of German expressions with these “150+ Common German Phrases” that will empower your language skills and make your conversations more engaging and fluent.

Basic Greetings

These basic greetings will help you start conversations and make a positive impression when communicating in German. Remember to use the appropriate greeting based on the formality of the situation and your familiarity with the person you’re greeting.

Certainly! Here are some basic greetings in German (Common German Phrases for basic greetings):

  1. Guten Tag! – Hello!
  2. Hallo! – Hi!
  3. Moin! – Common informal greeting in Northern Germany.
  4. Hi! – Also used informally, similar to English.
  5. Grüß Gott! – Common greeting in Southern Germany and Austria.
  6. Wie geht es Ihnen? – How are you? (formal)
  7. Wie geht’s? – How are you? (informal)
  8. Wie geht’s dir? – How are you? (informal)
  9. Wie geht’s euch? – How are you? (plural, informal)
  10. Was geht ab? – What’s up?
  11. Wie läuft’s? – How’s it going? (informal)
  12. Na, wie geht’s? – So, how are you?
  13. Alles klar? – Everything clear? (informal)
  14. Hallo, wie geht es dir? – Hello, how are you?

Expressions for Well-being

These expressions will help you convey your well-being and health status in different situations when communicating in German. Whether you’re feeling great or not so well, you’ll be able to express it accurately using these phrases.

Certainly! Here are some expressions for well-being in German (Common German Phrases for well-being):

  1. Es geht mir gut. – I am doing well.
  2. Mir geht’s gut. – I’m fine.
  3. Alles ist in Ordnung. – Everything is fine.
  4. Ich fühle mich großartig. – I feel great.
  5. Ich bin gesund. – I am healthy.
  6. Es geht so. – It’s okay.
  7. Nicht schlecht. – Not bad.
  8. Mir geht es nicht so gut. – I’m not feeling well.
  9. Ich bin müde. – I am tired.
  10. Ich bin glücklich. – I am happy.
  11. Ich bin traurig. – I am sad.
  12. Ich bin aufgeregt. – I am excited.
  13. Ich bin gestresst. – I am stressed.
  14. Ich bin entspannt. – I am relaxed.
  15. Ich bin erschöpft. – I am exhausted.
  16. Ich fühle mich erfrischt. – I feel refreshed.
  17. Ich habe Kopfschmerzen. – I have a headache.
  18. Ich habe Bauchschmerzen. – I have a stomachache.
  19. Ich bin in guter Verfassung. – I am in good shape.
  20. Ich bin in schlechter Verfassung. – I am in bad shape.

Casual Conversations

These casual conversation phrases will help you engage in relaxed and friendly discussions in German with friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. Use them to start interesting conversations and build connections.

Certainly! Here are some common phrases for casual conversations in German (Common German Phrases for casual conversations):

  1. Na, wie geht’s? – Hey, how are you?
  2. Was machst du so? – What are you up to?
  3. Wie war dein Tag? – How was your day?
  4. Hast du Lust, etwas zu unternehmen? – Do you feel like doing something?
  5. Wie läuft’s bei der Arbeit/Schule? – How’s work/school going?
  6. Schon etwas vor heute Abend? – Got any plans for tonight?
  7. Was hast du am Wochenende vor? – What are your plans for the weekend?
  8. Hast du das neue [Buch/Film/Spiel] schon gesehen/gelesen/gespielt? – Have you seen/read/played the new [book/movie/game] yet?
  9. Ich habe gehört, es soll morgen regnen. – I heard it’s supposed to rain tomorrow.
  10. Wie findest du [etwas] (z.B., den neuen Film)? – What do you think of [something] (e.g., the new movie)?
  11. Hast du schon [eine bestimmte Aktivität] ausprobiert? – Have you ever tried [a specific activity]?
  12. Wie war dein Wochenende? – How was your weekend?
  13. Was sind deine Hobbys? – What are your hobbies?
  14. Ich war neulich im [Restaurant/Ort]. Es war großartig! – I recently went to [restaurant/place]. It was great!
  15. Welche Musik hörst du gerne? – What kind of music do you like?
  16. Hast du einen Tipp für ein gutes Buch/Film? – Do you have a recommendation for a good book/movie?
  17. Lass uns etwas trinken gehen! – Let’s go grab a drink!
  18. Hast du Lust auf Kaffee? – Do you feel like having coffee?
  19. Wann sehen wir uns wieder? – When will we see each other again?
  20. Ich freue mich auf unser Treffen. – I’m looking forward to our meeting.
Read also: Top German Language Books for Self-Learners: A Comprehensive Review

Agreement and Disagreement

These phrases will help you express your agreement or disagreement in various situations while conversing in German. Whether you want to support someone’s opinion or offer a differing perspective, these expressions will come in handy.

Certainly! Here are some phrases to express agreement and disagreement in German (Common German Phrases for Agreement and Disagreement):


  1. Ja, das stimmt. – Yes, that’s true.
  2. Genau! – Exactly!
  3. Ich bin ganz deiner Meinung. – I completely agree with you.
  4. Stimmt, da hast du recht. – True, you’re right.
  5. Das denke ich auch. – I think so too.
  6. Das sehe ich genauso. – I see it the same way.
  7. Absolut! – Absolutely!
  8. Das klingt vernünftig. – That sounds reasonable.
  9. Da bin ich deiner Ansicht. – I’m of the same opinion.
  10. Ich stimme voll und ganz zu. – I fully agree.


  1. Nein, das stimmt nicht. – No, that’s not true.
  2. Das sehe ich anders. – I see it differently.
  3. Ehrlich gesagt, bin ich anderer Meinung. – Honestly, I have a different opinion.
  4. Ich fürchte, da muss ich widersprechen. – I’m afraid I have to disagree.
  5. Das halte ich für falsch. – I think that’s wrong.
  6. In diesem Punkt stimme ich nicht zu. – I don’t agree on this point.
  7. Ich sehe das nicht so. – I don’t see it that way.
  8. Leider muss ich widersprechen. – Unfortunately, I have to disagree.
  9. Da bin ich anderer Ansicht. – I have a different point of view on that.
  10. Das ist nicht korrekt. – That is not correct.

Social Interactions

These phrases will be helpful in various social situations, whether you’re meeting new people, making small talk, or simply engaging in friendly conversations in German-speaking settings.

Certainly! Here are some common phrases for social interactions in German:

  1. Prost! – Cheers!
  2. Vielen Dank! – Thank you very much!
  3. Bitte schön. – You’re welcome.
  4. Entschuldigung. – Excuse me.
  5. Es tut mir leid. – I’m sorry.
  6. Wie heißt du? – What’s your name?
  7. Woher kommst du? – Where are you from?
  8. Wie alt bist du? – How old are you?
  9. Schön, dich kennenzulernen. – Nice to meet you.
  10. Wie lange bleibst du hier? – How long are you staying here?
  11. Bist du alleine hier? – Are you here alone?
  12. Das ist ein schöner Ort. – This is a beautiful place.
  13. Was machst du beruflich? – What do you do for a living?
  14. Wie ist deine E-Mail-Adresse? – What’s your email address?
  15. Wann hast du Geburtstag? – When is your birthday?
  16. Möchtest du etwas trinken/essen? – Would you like something to drink/eat?
  17. Wo ist die Toilette? – Where is the restroom?
  18. Das war wirklich lustig. – That was really fun.
  19. Wie spät ist es? – What time is it?
  20. Wie war dein Tag? – How was your day?
  21. Was machst du am Wochenende? – What are you doing this weekend?
  22. Kannst du mir helfen? – Can you help me?
  23. Wie geht es deiner Familie? – How is your family?
  24. Ich freue mich, dich wiederzusehen. – I’m looking forward to seeing you again.
  25. Wie ist dein Wochenende gelaufen? – How was your weekend?

Expressions for Dining

These expressions and phrases will be useful when dining at restaurants in German-speaking countries or engaging in dining-related conversations. They will help you navigate the dining experience and communicate your preferences effectively.

Certainly! Here are some common expressions and phrases for dining in German:

  1. Guten Appetit! – Enjoy your meal!
  2. Die Speisekarte, bitte. – The menu, please.
  3. Was empfehlen Sie? – What do you recommend?
  4. Ich hätte gern… – I would like…
  5. Ich hätte gerne die Rechnung. – I would like the bill, please.
  6. Was ist das Tagesgericht? – What is the daily special?
  7. Könnten Sie bitte Wasser bringen? – Could you please bring some water?
  8. Haben Sie vegetarische Gerichte? – Do you have vegetarian dishes?
  9. Das schmeckt hervorragend! – This tastes excellent!
  10. Es war köstlich, danke. – It was delicious, thank you.
  11. Noch eine Portion, bitte. – Another serving, please.
  12. Das Dessert sieht lecker aus. – The dessert looks delicious.
  13. Können Sie scharfes Essen zubereiten? – Can you make the food spicy?
  14. Ich bin allergisch gegen [Zutat]. – I am allergic to [ingredient].
  15. Gibt es eine Kinderkarte? – Is there a children’s menu?
  16. Darf ich die Reste mitnehmen? – Can I take the leftovers with me?
  17. Könnten Sie uns den Wein empfehlen? – Could you recommend a wine for us?
  18. Wir möchten getrennte Rechnungen. – We would like separate bills.
  19. Wo ist die Toilette? – Where is the restroom?
  20. Das war ein wunderbares Mahl. – That was a wonderful meal.
  21. Ein Glas Wasser, bitte. – A glass of water, please.
  22. Ich zahle. – I’ll pay.
  23. Schmeckt es Ihnen? – Does it taste good to you?
  24. Der Kellner/die Kellnerin war sehr aufmerksam. – The waiter/waitress was very attentive.
  25. Es ist zu salzig/würzig. – It’s too salty/spicy.
  26. Ein Tisch für [Anzahl der Personen], bitte. – A table for [number of people], please.
  27. Kann ich die Speisekarte sehen? – Can I see the menu?
  28. Gibt es heute Abend eine besondere Empfehlung? – Is there a special recommendation tonight?
  29. Könnte ich eine Serviette haben? – Could I have a napkin?
  30. Könnten Sie das bitte einpacken? – Could you please wrap that up?
  31. Ich hätte gerne das [Gericht]. – I would like the [dish].
  32. Ist der Tisch reserviert? – Is the table reserved?
  33. Die Rechnung, bitte. – The bill, please.
  34. Hat es Ihnen geschmeckt? – Did you enjoy the meal?
  35. Könnten Sie uns zusammen setzen? – Could you seat us together?
  36. Gibt es auch eine englische Speisekarte? – Is there an English menu as well?

Common Idioms and Slang

These idioms and slang expressions will add flavor to your German conversations and help you understand informal language used in everyday situations. However, keep in mind that slang can vary by region and may not always be appropriate in formal contexts.

Certainly! Here are some common idioms and slang expressions in German:


  1. Da liegt der Hase im Pfeffer. – That’s the crux of the matter.
  2. Die Katze aus dem Sack lassen. – To let the cat out of the bag.
  3. Nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben. – To be a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
  4. Jemanden auf den Arm nehmen. – To pull someone’s leg.
  5. Da steppt der Bär. – There’s a lot of action or excitement.
  6. Die Suppe auslöffeln müssen. – To face the consequences.
  7. Alle guten Dinge sind drei. – All good things come in threes.
  8. Das ist nicht mein Bier. – That’s not my problem.
  9. Etwas unter den Teppich kehren. – To sweep something under the rug.
  10. Das ist Schnee von gestern. – That’s water under the bridge.

Slang Expressions:

  1. Abgefahren! – Awesome!
  2. Krass! – Amazing, incredible!
  3. Chillen – To relax, hang out.
  4. Voll krass! – Totally awesome!
  5. Bock haben – To be in the mood for something.
  6. Ich habe die Nase voll. – I’ve had enough (of something).
  7. Alter – Dude, buddy.
  8. Geil! – Cool, awesome.
  9. Mega! – Very, extremely.
  10. Kumpel – Friend, buddy.
  11. Voll cool! – Very cool!
  12. Läuft bei dir! – Things are going well for you!
  13. Pennen – To sleep.
  14. Quatsch! – Nonsense, rubbish.
  15. Sich einen hinter die Binde kippen – To have a drink (usually alcoholic).
  16. Voll der Stress! – It’s so stressful!
  17. Kohle – Money.
  18. Raus hier! – Get out of here!
  19. Voll der Hammer! – That’s amazing!
  20. Null Bock! – I don’t feel like it at all!

With these 150+ common German phrases in your language arsenal, you’re well on your way to becoming a confident and effective communicator in the German language. Practice, engage in conversations, and immerse yourself in the beauty of this language. Viel Erfolg! (Good luck!)

Read also: Improving your motivation for learning French


In closing, we’ve taken you on a linguistic adventure through the world of German with our compilation of “150+ Common German Phrases.” Learning a new language can be a rewarding and enriching experience, and these phrases are your stepping stones to confident and effective communication in German. Whether you’re saying “Guten Tag” to new friends or asking for “Die Rechnung, bitte” at a local restaurant, these phrases will serve you well. So, practice, engage, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the German language. With dedication and these essential phrases in your repertoire, you’ll find yourself conversing like a native speaker in no time.

Viel Erfolg! (Good luck!)

Search Keywords

  • German Greetings
  • Common German Phrases
  • German Expressions for Well-being
  • Casual Conversations in German
  • Agreeing and Disagreeing in German
  • Social Interactions in German
  • Dining Phrases in German
  • Common Idioms in German
  • German Slang Expressions
  • 150+ Common German Phrases to Sound Like a Native Speaker
  • 150+ Common German Phrases
  • Common German Phrases to Sound Like a Native Speaker
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Pardeep Patelhttps://pardeeppatel.com/
Hi!, I am Pardeep Patel, an Indian passport holder, Traveler, Blogger, Story Writer. I completed my M-Tech (Computer Science) in 2016. I love to travel, eat different foods from various cuisines, experience different cultures, make new friends and meet other.