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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Is MS in Germany really worth investing?

It’s a very tricky question and the answer entirely depends on your preferences. The countries that are popular for doing an MS are the USA, UK, Germany, Canada but there are a lot of things that you should consider while choosing a specific country like does it have the best universities for the course you wish to pursue, does the expense of that country matches with your budget range, does the lifestyle of the country interest you etc.

I have mentioned some which can help you decide if Germany is the right choice for your MS and if it’s really worth investing.

1. Expenses

You would roughly spend $1,000,000 USD for an average college education in the USA or UK while in Germany, you would spend $20,000 USD. If you are tight on money and still wish to pursue a master’s degree abroad, Germany is a reasonable choice.

2. Job

In the United States, the employment scenario is fast-paced, and you can pay off your university loans in 2–3 years. In the United Kingdom, if you are not placed before graduation, you must return the next day, which increases the risks. In Germany, you will have time to discover jobs after graduation making it a safer option.

Read Also: As a foreigner how can I get job in Germany?

3. Salary

The salary in each country is influenced by its GDP; if you are a typical graduate in the United States from an average university, your salary would be 80,000 USD, of which 30–40% would be taxed, depending on the state in which you work. In Germany, your income would be 50,000 USD, plus another 30–40% tax. Salary is the most significant difference between the United States and Germany.

4. Lifestyle

Now, if you want to settle abroad after completing your Masters, Germany is a great option because the work-life balance in Germany is far better than that in the United States. In comparison to the United States, medical costs are very low. In Germany, your children would enjoy free education for the rest of their lives. In fact, when students (German Citizenship) enroll in college or university, they receive roughly 600–800 Euros per month so that they are self-sufficient and not a financial burden on their parents.

Read Also: Items that you’ll be glad to buy before Going Abroad

5. Language

While the USA and UK are easier to adjust into, Germany becomes a bit tough because of the fact that 80% of the people don’t understand English and only speak in German. If you wish to study there, you definitely need to learn their language.

These are the major factors that I feel you should consider, and based on this make your decision if Germany is the place where you can study or MS from and if it’s really worth investing in.

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Pardeep Patelhttps://pardeeppatel.com/
Hi!, I am Pardeep Patel, an Indian passport holder, Traveler, Blogger, Story Writer. I completed my M-Tech (Computer Science) in 2016. I love to travel, eat different foods from various cuisines, experience different cultures, make new friends and meet other.