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Wednesday, March 19, 2025
When you join any course or search to learn the German Language on the Internet. The result you get is that the Syllabus of Elementary use of German Language is further classified into two more levels i.e. Level A1 and Level A2.

Note: Some websites or tutor further classified these levels into two more levels like Level A1 is divided into A1.1 and A1.2 and the level A2 is divided into A2.1 and A2.2. But according to Goethe Institute or according to exam pattern the Level A is divided only into two parts i.e. Level A1 and Level A2. 

Reasons why to Study in Germany

Level A1 – Elementary use of German Language

A1 language levels contain basic grammar and vocabulary for simple conversations. Here is the overview from Goethe Institute:

  • Can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences, which relate to the satisfying of concrete needs.
  • Can introduce him/herself and others as well as ask others about themselves – e.g. where they live, who they know and what they own – and can respond to questions of this nature.
  • Can communicate in a simple manner if the person they are speaking to speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

So, in other words, with A1 you are at the level of “Hello, my name is X. I am from Y. Could you please tell me which subway goes to the airport? I am sorry, could you say this again, please, and speak a bit slower?”

Start your A1 Level from

  1. German Alphabets
  2. German Numbers
  3. German Pronunciation
  4. German Greetings
  5. Introducing Yourself
  6. Introduce your friend
  7. Saying Hello, How are you and Goodbye
  8. Different ways to say Thankyou
  9. Basic German Words and Phrases
  10. German Month, Seasons, Dates and Days
  11. Parts of the body
  12. German vocabulary related to clothes
  13. 100 Common German Verbs
  14. Talking about your Family members
  15. How to ask for help in German
  16. Essay on My Family

You can also find more content on Level A1 by click here.

All the best

Level A2 – Elementary use of German Language

In this level you can talk about basic topics and express your needs – like when you’re shopping.

  • Can understand sentences and commonly used expressions associated with topics directly related to his/her direct circumstances (e.g. personal information or information about his/her family, shopping, work, immediate surroundings).
  • Can make him/herself understood in simple, routine situations dealing with a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and common topics.
  • Can describe his/her background and education, immediate surroundings and other things associated with immediate needs in a simple way.

Start your A2 Level from

  1. German Month, Seasons, Dates and Days
  2. False Friends – German (Deutsch) and English
  3. Kissing cousins (near cognates) – German (Deutsch) and English
  4. Friendly allies (perfect cognates) – German (Deutsch) and English
  5. How to Ask/ Express an Opinion in German
  6. German Month, Seasons, Dates and Days

You can also find more content on Level A2 by click here.

All the best

The topics covered in German A1 level and A2 Level

  • Nominativ kasus (Nominative case)
  • Nomen (Noun)
    • Personal Nomen (Personal noun)
  • Artikel (Articles)
  • Verben (Verbs)
    • Un/regelmäßige Verben (Ir/regular Verbs)
  • Verben konjugation (Verb conjugation)
  • Satzbau (sentence construction)
  • Akkusativ kasus (accusative case)
  • Possessive Pronomen (Possessive pronoun)
  • Modale Verben (modal verbs)
  • Dativ kasus (dative case)
  • Personalpronomen (personal pronoun)
  • Trennbare Verben mit Praefixen (Separable verbs with prefixes)
  • Imperativ (imperative)
  • Präpositionen im Akkusativ und Dativ (Prepositions in the accusative and dative)
  • Adjektivendungen (adjective endings)
  • Uhr (time)
  • Wortschatz (Vocabulary):
    • Essen & Trinken (Food & drinking)
    • Kleidung (Clothing)
    • Gepäck (Luggage)
    • Transport
    • Hobbys (Hobbies)
    • Familie und Freunde (Family & Friends)
    • Geburtstag (Birthday)
    • Einladung (Invitation)
    • Zeit, Tage, Monate, Jahreszeiten usw. (Time, Days, Months, Seasons, etc.)
    • Namen des Landes, seine Bürger und Sprache (Names of Country, its Citizens & Language)
    • Ort (Place)
    • Grüße (Greetings)
    • Ferien (Vacation)
    • Haus (Home)
    • Möbel (Furniture)
    • Büro (Office)
    • Richtungen (Directions)
    • Einkaufen usw. (Shopping, etc)
  • Wichtiges Verschiedenes (Important miscellaneous):
    • Brief/E-Mail Schreiben (In/Formal) (Letter / E-Mail Write (In / Formal))
    • Einführung (introduction)
    • Zählen (Counting)
    • Alphabete (Alphabets)
    • Aussprachen (Pronunciations)
    • W-Frage (W-question)
    • Ja/Nein Frage (Yes/No Question)
    • Antworten (Answer)
    • Bitte Satz (Please sentence)
    • Nicht Satz, usw (Not sentence, etc)

Nominativ Case- deals with the “SUBJECT.

Akkusativ Case- deals with the “SUBJECT” and “DIRECT OBJECT”.

Dativ Case- deals with the “SUBJECT” and “DIRECT OBJECT” and “INDIRECT OBJECT”.

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