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Sunday, April 28, 2024

Some useful German Grocery Store, Food, Drink Vocabulary

In this lesson, we will learn the German terms (Vocabulary) for people, places and things in a grocery store. We have listed and included the vocabulary of German Food, Drink, Condiments, Dishes

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Here are the different areas you will find in the grocery store.

der Supermarkt ZOUP-air-markt the supermarket, grocery store
der Eingang EYN-gahng the entrance
die Kasse KAHS-uh the check out, register
die Obst und Gemüse Abteilung ohbst unt guh-MEWS-uh AHP-tey-luhng the produce department
die Fleischabteilung FLEYSH-ahp-tey-luhng the meat department
die Molkerei molk-air-EY dairy
das gefrorene Essen ge-FROHR-in-uh ES-in the frozen foods
der Gang gahng the aisle
das Regal ray-GAHL the shelf

Now let’s look at how a few of these words are used in sentences.

  • Ich parke direct vor der Eingang. (I’m parking directly in front of the entrance.)
  • Das Müsli ist im dritten Gang. (The cereal is in the third aisle.)
  • Ich gehe zur Fleischabteilung, um Wurst zu holen. (I’m going to the meat department to get sausage.)


Here are some people you will meet.

WordPronunciation Translation
der Kassierer kah-SEER-er the cashier (male)
die Kassiererin kah-SEER-er-in the cashier (female)
der Verkäufer fairr-KOI-fair sales clerk (male)
die Verkäuferin fair-KOI-fair-in sales clerk (female)
die Kunde KUND-uh the customer

Grundnahrungsmittel (Basic Foods)

das Brotdie Brotebread
der Reis rice
die Nudel die Nudeln noodles
der Zuckerdie Zuckersugar
der Honigdie Honige honey
die Marmeladedie Marmeladenjam
das Mehlflour
das Öldie Öleoil
der Essig die Essigevinegar
das Salz die Salzesalt
der Pfeffer die Pfefferpepper

Obst und Gemüse (Fruits and Vegetables)

der Apfeldie Äpfelapple
die Bananedie Bananenbanana
die Orange die Orangenorange
die Zitronedie Zitronenlemons
die Erdbeeredie Erdbeerenstrawberry
die Himbeeredie Himbeerenraspberry
die Brombeeredie Brombeerenblackberry
die Kartoffeldie Kartoffelnpotato
die Karottedie Karottencarrot
die Zwiebeldie Zwiebelnonion
der Knoblauchgarlic
die Erbsedie Erbsenpea
die Bohnedie Bohnenbean
die Tomatedie Tomatentomato
die Gurkedie Gurkencucumber
der grüne Salatdie grünen Salatelettuce
der Spinatdie Spinatespinach
der Kohldie Kohlecabbage

Tierprodukte (Animal Products)

die Milchdie Milchemilk (hardly ever used in plural)
die Butterbutter
das Eidie Eieregg
der Käsedie Käsecheese
der Schinken die Schinkenham
die Wurstdie Würstesausage
das Schweinefleischpork
das Rindfleischbeef
das Hühnerfleischchicken
das Putenfleischturkey
der Fischfish

Süsses (Sweets)

die Schokoladedie Schokladenchocolate
das Bonbondie Bonbonscandy
die Eiscremedie Eiscremesice cream
der Keksdie Keksecookie
der Kuchen die Kuchencake

Essen Beschreiben (Describing Food)

  • lecker (delicious)
  • süß (sweet)
  • sauer (sour)
  • bitter (bitter)
  • salzig (salty)
  • scharf (spicy)
  • leicht (light)
  • schwer (heavy)
  • frisch (fresh)
  • blutig (rare [cooked])
  • roh (raw)
  • zart (tender)

When asking for a quantity “of” something, Germans simply skip the “of.” For example:

  • ein Stück Kuchen – a slice of cake
  • drei Kilogramm Äpfel – three kilograms of apples
  • 100 Gramm Schinken100 grams of ham
  • eine Scheibe Käse – one slice of cheese
  • zwei Säcke Kartoffelntwo bags of potatoes
  • ein bisschen Zucker – a bit of sugar
  • ein Glas Wasser – a glass of water

Here are some, dishes you might encounter:

  • Pizza: die Pizza
  • Fries: die Pommes [frites]
  • Ice Cream: das Eis
  • Cake: der Kuchen
  • Bread: das Brot
  • Salad: der Salat
  • Soup: die Suppe

Something to put on top? Here are some common condiments:

Condiment: das Gewürz

  • Salt: das Salz
  • Pepper: der Pfeffer
  • Sauce: die Soße
  • Butter: die Butter
  • Honey: der Honig
  • Cream: die Sahne
  • Sugar: der Zucker

Drinks: die Getränke

  • Water: das Wasser
  • Coffee: der kaffee
  • Tea: der Tee
  • fruit Juice: der [Obst]saft
  • Milk: die Milch
  • Lemonade: die Limonade
  • Wine: der Wein
  • Beer: das Bier


Eating with your hands isn’t always considered the politest thing to do. Here is some vocabulary describing some of the utensils that make your eating process slightly more civilized, depending on how you use them.

  • Mug: der Becher
  • Glass: das Glas
  • Cup: die Tasse
  • Fork: die Gabel
  • Spoon: der Löffel
  • Knife: der Messer
  • Plate: der Teller
  • Verbs & Phrases

Here are some verbs that will help you describe what you are -ing with all that Essen.

  • To eat: essen
  • To drink: trinken

To describe whatever particular meal you happen to be eating, just turn the name of the meal into a verb. For instance, “dinner” is “das Abendessen,” so “to eat dinner” is “Abendessen,” or “breakfast” is “das Frühstück,” so “to eat breakfast” is “frühstücken.” Not all that bad, eh?

  • To cook: kochen
  • To roast: braten
  • To bake: backen
  • To wash: spülen
  • To smell: riechen

Now that you’ve got all that vocabulary on the forefront of your brain, it’s time to put it to some use. Here are some phrases you can use in conjunction with all this food to make some mouth-watering sentences:

  • To have hunger: Hunger haben
  • To have thirst: Durst haben
  • To set the table: den Tisch decken
  • To be full: satt sein

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Pardeep Patelhttps://pardeeppatel.com/
Hi!, I am Pardeep Patel, an Indian passport holder, Traveler, Blogger, Story Writer. I completed my M-Tech (Computer Science) in 2016. I love to travel, eat different foods from various cuisines, experience different cultures, make new friends and meet other.